Advancing the Industrial Revolution

With cities facing new challenges on the back of technological advancements, globalisation, shifting demographics and a global pandemic – the industrial industry has been forced to accelerate forward a number of years.
There are steps we can take now to make a difference for the future of our cities and communities and to help the freight and logistics industry operate more efficiently and effectively to service us. There is an unprecedented demand for industrial and freight and logistics establishments.
Design, technology and innovation have generated solutions and different ways of undertaking freight and logistics activities - handling, storing, distributing and receiving goods – and an opportunity to further co-locate and mix uses. Increased land use efficiency can be achieved through vertical integration and co-location of land uses. In addition, to attract and retain freight-related businesses and workers, a range of amenities, services and facilities also needs to be provided.
Freight and logistics are now “a line of sight” from ports to intermodals, large storage distribution centres and distribution points for the last mile function. The way we distribute and handle goods, including the number of times we handle goods, has direct cost implications to businesses and consumers and the level of impact on our environment. The freight and logistics industry and supply chains are somewhat complex and includes a range of activities and processes. The modern freight and logistics firm competes on reducing pick up, delivery and consumption times, producing efficiencies in both the storage and delivery arms of the freight and logistics industry. It is key then, that the planning system appreciates wholistically the operation of these separate but connected components to assist in delivering potential productivity and efficiency gains.
In various projects, 2Construct has supported vertical warehousing for our clients operations – to learn more, download the Industrial Insight report here.