Elizabeth Blackburn School of Sciences (UoM Bio 21 Science Sub School)

2Construct - Elizabeth Blackburn 01

The project is the result of a partnership between The University of Melbourne, University High School, Bio21 and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and is designed for 200 VCE students to pursue a science rich curriculum and also to support educational research being undertaken by The University of Melbourne. The facilities have been developed to support the School’s specific pedagogical approach which enables students to participate in a tertiary style program of lectures, tutorials and laboratory workshops. The design recognises that a large proportion of student learning and knowledge retention happens outside of the classroom in well designed and engaging internal adult spaces.

Works included the construction of a two storey building comprising of 2 x theatrette’s, experimental learning labs, preparation rooms, classroom areas, large open communal/collaborative spaces, male and female toilets, outdoor spaces, installation of a lift and geothermal temperature control of the building. External works comprise paving, civil, perforated screens, landscape works and the linking of works to adjacent buildings.



University of Melbourne




2015 CEFPI Australasia Region Educational Facilities Awards Category Overall Winner for the Australasian Region and Best Education Initiative or Design Solution for an Innovative Program Award


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