The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne
Y2 Architecture
The Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne
Y2 Architecture
The scope of work comprises the construction of a gymnasium extension to create separate gym and fitness spaces. The scope also comprises the construction of...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building ConstructionThe project encompasses the construction of a new competition grade gymnasium, landscaping, playground, repositioning of an existing relocatable, and...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building ConstructionConstruction of a new competition grade gymnasium and sports precinct including associated site, infrastructure, and landscaping works.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionThe scope of work consists of the refurbishment of the North Learning Neighbourhood and outdoor learning areas and refurbishment of existing library. The scope...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building Construction