Roy Dore Pavilion Redevelopment


The Roy Dore Pavilion was designed with local sporting clubs and other community user groups to provide a new state of the art sports facility incorporating a gym, kiosk, catering facility, meeting room, flexible community areas, radio room, change rooms, medical areas, storage and amenities.

The set-back north glazed facade on the first level cantilevers over the ground level masonry facade, screened by metal mesh screens that encourage natural lighting and views through the surrounding balcony and terrace.



City of Kingston


DWP (Design Worldwide Partnership)



Nepean Special School Stage 2

The scope of work comprises the construction of a gymnasium extension to create separate gym and fitness spaces. The scope also comprises the construction of...

Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building Construction

Pascoe Vale Primary School Stage 3

The project encompasses the construction of a new competition grade gymnasium, landscaping, playground, repositioning of an existing relocatable, and...

Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building Construction

Vermont Secondary College Gymnasium and Sports Precinct

Construction of a new competition grade gymnasium and sports precinct including associated site, infrastructure, and landscaping works.

Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building Construction

Dorrington Child and Family Hub

The scope of work comprises construction of multiple new kinder spaces and baby sleep settling rooms, multipurpose outdoor learning areas, community playgroup...

Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Building Construction Community