Law Architects
50 Separation Street
Northcote VIC 3070
Law Architects
50 Separation Street
Northcote VIC 3070
The scope of work comprises the construction of a gymnasium extension to create separate gym and fitness spaces. The scope also comprises the construction of...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building ConstructionThe project encompasses the construction of a new competition grade gymnasium, landscaping, playground, repositioning of an existing relocatable, and...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building ConstructionConstruction of a new competition grade gymnasium and sports precinct including associated site, infrastructure, and landscaping works.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionThe scope of work consists of the refurbishment of the North Learning Neighbourhood and outdoor learning areas and refurbishment of existing library. The scope...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building Construction